Sunday, May 3, 2020

My Favourite Film of the 1960's...Father Goose(1964)

Father Goose, must be in my top five Cary Grant films.

In his penultimate film, he moves far away from the clean-cut, debonaire persona that appears in the majority of his other films.

He plays, Walter Eckland, a whiskey drinking curmudgeon, who has made peace with the world.

But the world has other ideas, not only in the shape of war in the South Pacific, but Catherine Freneau (Leslie Caron) and her seven schoolgirl charges! Leslie Caron is very funny and a great pairing with Grant.
Trevor Howard is brilliant, as Commander Frank Houghton.

Grant shines and gives a performance that, although rough and ready in can still see the charm.

In its opening weekend at Radio City Music Hall it set a new all-time record for a Christmas opening, $210,380.

The dialogue is so good too;

Walter: "All those miles of open sea and back again a man would need something to keep warm, now, wouldn't he"
Frank: "2 Bottles."
Walter: "All of them, Frank."
Frank: "Three."
Walter: "All of them, Frank."
Frank: "Five."
Walter: "All of them, Frank."
Frank: "Got a pencil?"

Walter: "This isn't the Queen Mary. We don't have room for luggage!"

"Let me tell you I am not a father figure. I am not a brother figure or an uncle figure or a cousin figure. In fact, the only figure I intend being is a total stranger figure."

"Lady, you are making a powerful enemy!"

"If you're waiting for the big finale, I'm sorry this is all I do."

Walter: "Hey, here she comes again."
Catherine: "How do you know it's a "she"?"
Walter: "Her mouth is open, now be quiet."

"Maybe if you stopped straightening pictures and let men wear their own pants, maybe they'd be able to touch you without asking "permesso.""

Frank: "Oh and Walter. Until we know what we're dealing with, don't try to be a movie hero and suck out the venom."

Stebbings: "Mother Goose is requesting a chaplain."
Frank: "A chaplain? Good heavens, he's killed her."
Stebbings: "No, sir. They want to get married."
Frank: "Married? Goody Two-Shoes and the Filthy Beast?"

Lobby Cards:

Behind the Scenes:

Release date: December 24th, 1964.

Running time: 116 minutes.

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